
GU Tikal Main


Guatemala’s claim to fame and its number 1 tourist attraction is Tikal. Tikal is a sprawling Mayan complex located in the northeast section of the country, and it is one of the most unique Mayan ruins because it is located deep inside the jungle. Located in this dense, protected jungle are all sorts of monkeys, birds, exotic cats, and more – it’s a fantastic place to enjoy ancient architecture, history, and our natural environment.


Where To Stay
There aren’t many options of places to stay in Tikal, four to be exact. The four accommodations located within the Tikal protected forest are Hotel Jungle Lodge, Jungle Lodge Tikal Hostel, Jaguar Inn Tikal, and Tikal Inn.
I find it important to note that electricity, mobile service, and Wi-Fi are extremely limited in Tikal, but it isn’t often that you get to spend the night (or two) at a UNESCO site.
Because of the limited lodging and connectivity available at Tikal, some travelers opt to stay in Flores, a town approximately a 1.5 hours drive from Tikal. Flores is a small, cute Mayan town with many colonial influences and has more drinking and dining options than Tikal.

GU Tikal Me


What To Do

  • Climb Temple IV
    Do you like Star Wars? Do you like incredible views? Climbing Temple IV gives travelers the best views of Tikal’s jungle and temples emerging from the canopies. Nerding out – Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope was filled on top of Temple IV.

GU Templo IV Vistas

  • Find The Lost City
    Tikal doesn’t just consist of one temple, but rather it consist of a large complex of temples, community buildings, kitchens, and more. The “Lost City” portion of the park features the oldest temple of the complex, dating back to 600 BC.

GU Tikal Temple Angle

  • Take A Panoramic Photo of the Grand Plaza
    Located near the middle of the Tikal complex, the Grand Plaza is a spectacular site – and a perfect place to use that nifty panoramic feature on your smartphone.

GU Tikal Pano

  • Locate Howler Monkeys
    No trip to Tikal is complete without hearing the scary-sounding howl of the howler monkey. When I finally spotted a howler monkey family high in the trees, I was shocked such a loud noise was coming from such a little being!
  • Bird Watch
    Guatemala’s jungles are famous for bird watching, and it just so happens that Tikal is nestled in a dense forest. There are hundreds of different types of birds around Tikal – my personal favorite spotting was a colorful toucan.


Stay Fit

  • Climb Pyramid IV
    Although there are stairs to the side of Temple IV to assist visitors to the top, the climb is steep and there are many steps. Getting to the top is a workout on its own.

GUA Tikal IV Pano

  • Jungle Trekking
    57,000+ hectares of protected jungle surround Tikal, providing an abundance of space to explore and enjoy. Tikal National Park is one of the few UNESCO sites inscribed for meeting both the natural and cultural criteria. There are endless amounts of flora and fauna to discover inside this incredible jungle. Make sure to bring plenty of water and a map – recently, a tourist was lost and Guatemala’s harsh tropical weather will dehydrate anyone quickly.
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