
GU Coban Main


During my travels around Guatemala, I ran into quite a few of the same people (new friends from the Netherlands, England, etc.) traveling throughout the country, but I didn’t run into anyone while staying in Cobán. In fact, my friend and I were the only ones to get off the shuttle at the stop in Cobán. It’s easy for me to say that Cobán was the most authentic place I stayed while adventuring through Guatemala. Tourists stomping through the town on a regular basis haven’t jaded daily life here because there are no tourists. It feels as if time has stood still in Cobán, giving visitors insight to what life has been like in Guatemala for many years. It’s simply beautiful.

GU Semuc Champey Vistas


Where To Stay
Cobán is a very, very small town, broken up into zonas (or zones) with minimal choices for accommodations. I lucked out when I chose to stay at Cobán Casa Q’eqchi’. The hospitality that I was shown by the mother and daughter that run this adorable establishment cannot be expressed in words. Plus, this casa is located near the local market and main square, making it incredibly easy to get around the town.

GU Coban Street Zona 3


What To Do

  • Templo El Calvario
    Located at the northern side of a main square in Zona 1, this church offers great views of the city. Simply climb the set of stairs to the top to be rewarded with a panoramic view of Cobán.
  • Parque Nacional Las Victorias
    Located on the edge of town, this forested 82 hectare piece of land is one of Guatemala’s national parks. Inside the park are picnic areas, campgrounds, barbeques, ponds, and even a secret lookout point. Visiting Parque Nacional Las Victorias is a great way to get outdoors and interact with locals.
  • Visit the Mercado
    Cobán's mercado features fresh local fruits, handmade artisans, and small meals. I loved that it was filled with locals – I was the only traveler there when I visited! For more westernized shopping, head to Plaza Magdalena (Cobán's shopping center).

GU Coban Mercado

GU Coban Plaza Magdalena

  • Semuc Champey
    Although it is located approximately 2 hours away, this tropical paradise is filled with breathtaking landscapes, fresh water, incredible wildlife, and adventures. It’s a must for any traveler visiting Guatemala. Period.

GU Semuc Limestone Pools


Stay Fit

  • Semuc Champey
    While in Semuc Champey, I hiked, climbed, roped, and swam. Visiting this area was one of the most strenuous and rewarding days I’ve ever had.

GU Semuc Champey Mirador

  • Parque Nacional Las Victorias
    Inside this national park, visitors can find extensive walking and hiking trails.
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