7 Tips to Help You Succeed When Working from Home

Working from home is an incredible opportunity, but it can also be difficult to navigate and sometimes you will find yourself working longer hours than usual.

After working from home for several years, I’ve discovered a routine that has been able to help me succeed while providing a balance between work and my household life. Here are seven tips to help you achieve success when working from home:

  1. Create a Workspace
    Having a workspace will declutter your mind and help you create a more relaxing work environment. Decide where you want to have your workspace and ensure that the desk and chair you choose are comfortable. Ensure the space is clean and prepare it with everything you need.
  1. Develop a Morning Routine
    When you worked from an office, you had a morning routine – right? Then, why don’t you get into the mode and get into your WFH morning routine. Once your brain develops a routine, it may help you prepare for the work mindset much easier. What’s my routine? I start my day with a coffee and take a moment to journal.
  1. Get Dressed
    Lounging around in your pajamas may seem like the logical thing to do to save time, however, getting dressed and brushing your hair will have you feeling way more energized and productive.
  1. Make a List
    Writing out your todos and keeping a schedule will help you feel organized and on track.
  1. Schedule Breaks
    It took me awhile to figure out how valuable and productive scheduling breaks actually is. Breaks are essential to your brain functioning well – make sure to get up, move around, hydrate, and grab a snack!
  1. Get Fresh Air – DAILY
    Open your window or go for a walk. Whatever you have to do to get some fresh air, do it.
  1. Disconnect Completely
    Those that work from home often complain about work and life mixing together and feeling like you always are “on”. When your work is done for the day, make sure to logoff and set boundaries so that the possibility of work/life/mix stress is reduced.
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