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  • Struggling to find ideas? Want to do something different? This large and comprehensive travel book is filled with ideas. Just when I thought I was losing a bit of inspiration, I found this book on the shelves of a store in Malaysia. After flipping through its pages, I regained my inspiration!
  • No one wants to drag a book (or books) around during his or her life-changing round-the-world trip or romantic getaway. I purchased books, and swapped books, and saved books during my travels, until I realized that digital was the way to go for me – someone who is constantly on the go. Countless books are available for purchase online (for great prices) that are compatible with Kindle.
  • The Alchemist is one of the most inspirational and significant travel novels that anyone can read, traveler or not. It’s so well written, you feel as if you’re there.


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